What can subliminal messages do for me?

Watch and listen to this hypnosis eye relaxation for free!.

If you have a subliminal CD you can listen to it while doing your eye relaxation.

Research suggests combining subliminal messages with hypnosis is even more effective than just subliminal messages. Subliminal hypnosis is a powerful combination.

Let me see it now...

Archive for subliminal advertisements


Subliminal Messages and the Law

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Interested in the legal view on subliminal messages in advertising? According to the Federal Trade Commission, advertising must:

  • Advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive;
  • Advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims; and
  • Advertisements cannot be unfair.

When is an ad deceptive?

  • Is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances; and
  • Is “material” – that is, important to a consumer’s decision to buy or use the product.

And when is it unfair? When it

  • it causes or is likely to cause substantial consumer injury which a consumer could not reasonably avoid; and
  • it is not outweighed by the benefit to consumers.

What makes it deceptive?

  • The FTC looks at the ad from the point of view of the “reasonable consumer” – the typical person looking at the ad. Rather than focusing on certain words, the FTC looks at the ad in context – words, phrases, and pictures – to determine what it conveys to consumers.
  • The FTC looks at both “express” and “implied” claims. An express claim is literally made in the ad. For example, “ABC Mouthwash prevents colds” is an express claim that the product will prevent colds. An implied claim is one made indirectly or by inference. “ABC Mouthwash kills the germs that cause colds” contains an implied claim that the product will prevent colds. Although the ad doesn’t literally say that the product prevents colds, it would be reasonable for a consumer to conclude from the statement “kills the germs that cause colds” that the product will prevent colds. Under the law, advertisers must have proof to back up express and implied claims that consumers take from an ad.
  • The FTC looks at what the ad does not say – that is, if the failure to include information leaves consumers with a misimpression about the product. For example, if a company advertised a collection of books, the ad would be deceptive if it did not disclose that consumers actually would receive abridged versions of the books.
  • The FTC looks at whether the claim would be “material” – that is, important to a consumer’s decision to buy or use the product. Examples of material claims are representations about a product’s performance, features, safety, price, or effectiveness.
  • The FTC looks at whether the advertiser has sufficient evidence to support the claims in the ad. The law requires that advertisers have proof before the ad runs.


And that is a bit on the law and how Subliminal Messages within advertising may be viewed.






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When was subliminal messages first noticed in advertising?  In 1957 ,  James Vicary claimed to find amazing increases in the sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn when he flashed the phrases “Drink Coca-Cola” and “Eat popcorn” for 1/2000 of a second during a movie. The statistics showed an increase in popcorn sales by 58%, with an increase in Coca-Cola sales by 18%. (Cane) This is perhaps the shocking information that led to an enormous response from the public. Individuals as well as legislators imagined possible effects of subliminal perception on the future- a world where everyone was subliminally manipulated to do what perhaps the government wanted them to do. (Elliston) In reality though, research on subliminal effects has shown little overall effects in controlled conditions. There is no evidence based in real-world settings done by top researchers on influencing behavior. Also, in 1962, Vicary stated that the study was a fabrication and the evidence now suggests it was. He never released a detailed description of his study and there was never any independent evidence to support what he claimed.

Throughout history, we have looked to political and governmental institutions to examine whether mind control and subliminal perception has been used amongst the general public. The CIA, for example, is one branch of government thought to use this technique in order to gain its authority over large bodies of people. If it is actually effective is up to public opinion of belief and personal reported experience.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received complaints of a television station using subliminal messages in 1974. This was the first new case since the original in the 1950’s. The FCC responded by issuing a public notice, which stated their official position- “We believe that the use of subliminal perception is inconsistent with the obligations of a [broadcast] licensee, and therefore we take this occasion to make clear that broadcasts employing such techniques are contrary to the public interest. Whether effective or not, such broadcasts clearly are intended to be deceptive.” The United States government has supposedly tried to take steps to protect individuals from unwanted influences relayed by subliminal messages. It has produced regulations to prohibit subliminal messages to advertise consumer products. Such products include malt beverages and distilled spirits.



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Here are some subliminal messages that were caught by viewers during the Aria awards. This video shows you the exact subliminals that were used by companies like KFC at these awards. They also debate if this is illegal. Fascinating stuff.


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Here is more information that we found on Subliminal Messages in Advertising.

“The usual picture that the word “subliminal” conjures up is the movie theater with the messages being flashed on the screen for a fraction of a second telling patrons to buy soda pop and popcorn. This classical experiment really worked. People never saw the message consciously but they bought soda pop and popcorn like mad. The conclusion: we react to things we can’t see with our conscious minds, and we, therefore, react to many more things than we think we do.

The technique of subliminal information giving has been considerably broadened in recent years so magazine ads now employ it. The magazine advertisers do not include a tachistoscope with their product; it is much more subtle than that. Rather than provide images that flash on the screen, for milliseconds, they carefully hide their images where we can not see them with the conscious eye.” – Miles C Olson

<H3>How is a A Tachistoscope Used with Subliminal Messages ?</H3>

* Wikipedia definition of a tachistoscope is a device that displays (usually by projecting) an image for a specific amount of time. It can be used to increase recognition speed, to show something too fast to be consciously recognized, or to test which elements of an image are memorable. Actual tachistoscopes use a slide or transparency projector equipped with the mechanical shutter system typical of a camera. The slide is loaded, the shutter locked open, and focusing and alignment are adjusted, then the shutter is closed. When ready for the test, a shutter speed is selected, and the shutter is tripped normally.

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The following is from the Federal Communications Commission’s Manual for Broadcasters:

We sometimes receive complaints regarding the alleged use of subliminal techniques in radio and TV programming. Subliminal programming is designed to be perceived on a subconscious level only. Regardless of whether it is effective, the use of subliminal perception is inconsistent with a station’s obligation to serve the public interest because the broadcast is intended to be deceptive. (this is from the FCC manual for broadcasters)

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Subliminal Messages in Advertising

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We stumbled upon a paper on Subliminal Messages in Advertising that we thought you might be interested in.

Title: Subliminal Messages in Advertising.

Authors: Olson, Miles C.

The technique of subliminal information giving has been considerably broadened in recent years so that magazine ads now employ it by carefully hiding images where they are not usually perceived with the conscious eye. In his recent book, “Subliminal Seduction: Ad Media’s Manipulation of a Not So Innocent America,” Wilson B. Key demonstrates that subliminal messages in ads are perceived and do have an impact on attitudes and actions. After conducting his own personal search to find the “hidden persuaders,” the author of this article was convinced that advertisements are full of hidden information, which is usually of a sexual nature. He suggests that it is important that English teachers become aware of this phenomenon, since it is a part of communication. Furthermore, he contends that we cannot accept or reject such information until we become conscious of it and are able to act on it in our normal, rational ways. (LL)

That is just an excerpt from Subliminal Messages in Advertising, as we are working on getting you a full copy.



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Subliminal messages Wikipedia style

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In 2007, to mark the 50th anniversary of James Vicary’s original experiment…

Read the rest here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subliminal_stimuli

Another article on debunking the debunkers. What do you think?


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New research suggests negative suggestions are more useful than positive suggestions. Read more http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503983_162-5346300-503983.html


Subliminal Messages

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I want to hear your options on subliminal messages. Do you believe subliminal advertising are influencing the buying public? If so how specifically are people being subliminally influenced?