What can subliminal messages do for me?

Watch and listen to this hypnosis eye relaxation for free!.

If you have a subliminal CD you can listen to it while doing your eye relaxation.

Research suggests combining subliminal messages with hypnosis is even more effective than just subliminal messages. Subliminal hypnosis is a powerful combination.

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Beyond Subliminal Messages

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Subliminal means below the surface. So subliminal messages aren’t just words under words on a subliminal audio. Subliminal messages are all around us. These messages subtly persuade us. Sometimes the subliminal message is what is implied and not spoken consciously.

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Read this about Washington and subliminal messages.


Be careful relaxing in front of your TV. A great article on the more you relax while watching TV the more open your subconscious mind is to the programming from the commercials.

To read the entire article Click here.

Discover your potential by going here. Subliminal success

Using custom subliminal CDs in order to achieve goals and create a happier life is not only a possibility, it well backed by medical science. Proven to be one of the most effective forms of subconscious alteration, subliminal messages have been restricted in their use to prevent the common public from being exposed to mind altering messages. If it is that powerful, imagine the possibilities for putting that power to good use.

The use of a custom subliminal CD can be personalized to help you achieve your goals based on your own desires by flooding your brain with positive messages. This form of self motivational therapy is remarkably effective, to the point that it is known to evoke fear in those who understand how it works. By using subliminal messages, anyone can create a situation that they want through transmission directly to the subconscious and bypassing the conscious.

Categories : Subliminal Cd
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The conscious mind filters information and chronic self talk tells the subconscious what to make of this information. Thus, a person with a low self esteem can be told over and over they are good and positive and they have value in the world. However, the conscious mind gets the information first and is able to instruct the subconscious to discard the information as untrue by qualifying those statements with “But I can’t be if….” or “That can’t be true because…..”

These conscious filters explain to the subconscious that the feelings the subconscious provokes are accurate and the incoming information is not. What if we could bypass that filtering process so that the subconscious mind could hear the message that we are good and we do right by the world and we have value and we can make contributions. By using custom subliminal CDs, we have the power to do exactly that. And when a person feels good about themselves their behavior and thought patterns become more productive, more positive, more caring, more compassionate, and more real and honest than the actions of a depressed individual with self esteem issues.

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So what could happen if we could decide the things about us that are holding us back? If we recognize our issues and want help changing them, we run to a therapist or medication for help. What if we could take that time and energy, cut it half, have fewer side effects, and achieve our goals and dreams through accessing our own subconscious to behave in a way that we would prefer. This could revolutionize self motivational therapy and reduce mental health care costs by at least 75%.

Categories : Subliminal Cd
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Custom Subliminal Cd

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The beauty of a custom subliminal CD is that not everyone has the same issues regarding their life and their hang ups. Not everyone has experienced the same trauma or has the same irrational fears due to these traumas. Rather, every individual has experienced the world differently and has come away from those experiences with various subconscious impressions that help to govern our behavior. By tailoring a custom subliminal CD to help us access our subconscious thoughts to govern our behavior in more positive direction, we can create for ourselves the powerful thought processes that the most successful people in the world share. The concept is very powerful and admirably amazing.

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Subliminal Cd uses.

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The most positive and useful applications to which subliminal messaging has been applied have been self improvement. This industry is only now gearing up and is growing by leaps and bounds.

Self help DVDs and CDs are currently in use by many thousands of people who are trying to lose weight and there are hundreds of testimonials which will show that subliminal messaging has been effective for them and caused them to lose weight and to keep of off over a period of time.

Further, audio tapes and computer software have proven effective:

• In weight loss

• Teaching new eating habits

• Modifying personal fitness and exercise

By far, the more widely used and trusted are the ones which permit you to display your own subliminal messaging and use your own methods to change your habits. If you are serious about wanting to change your life or your personal habits in eating or smoking, try subliminal messaging.

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Most people will be skeptical as I was when I heard the term mind control. Can what someone whispers to your unconscious mind affect habits and behaviors that you have and change them?

In the years past, some methods of commercials used subliminal messaging to promote their products and many more would spend literally billions to find out if they worked. They have been used to pave the way for people to make purchases, to help people stop smoking, to provide for weight loss and to cease any kind of bad habit. As you can see, the uses they have traditionally been put to are not all ethical and above board.

Categories : Subliminal Cd
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Do Subliminals work?

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First of all, a subliminal message is one which is used for a short period of time so that your mind registers its presence unconsciously but not consciously. This means that your aware mind can not take the time to present arguments and rebuttals to the messages that you have received. Your mind is exposed to the message, receives it but it cannot in any way argue with what the message tells you to do or not to do thus making you far more susceptible to the information that is displayed in the subliminal format.

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