What can subliminal messages do for me?

Watch and listen to this hypnosis eye relaxation for free!.

If you have a subliminal CD you can listen to it while doing your eye relaxation.

Research suggests combining subliminal messages with hypnosis is even more effective than just subliminal messages. Subliminal hypnosis is a powerful combination.

Let me see it now...

What does subliminal mean?

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For all of you who asked for a formal definition of Subliminal.


adjective Psychology .existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.

1885–90; sub- + L līmin-  (s. of līmen ) threshold + -al1

—Related forms

sub·lim·i·nal·ly, adverb
non·sub·lim·i·nal, adjective
non·sub·lim·i·nal·ly, adverb

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.

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How Subliminal Messages Work

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Just what is subliminal communication? Click link for a good read.



Subliminal quote

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Steven Wright

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See how sleep can reset your emotional barometer. Read the latest study.


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Let’s get real here.

We know the big corporations flash a bunch of images in our faces at all times. Cool.

Do we notice any different effect? Not really.

Or so we think.

Do you really believe that MILLIONS $$$ would be spent to get a tiny logo in front of your eyes for about a millisecond if there was no power in it?

Makes you think doesn’t it?

What if you knew what they know?

How would you help yourself? I mean, they’re laughing all the way to the bank!

Would you?

What if we were to show you how you could work on yourself for just a few minutes a day and achieve what the big companies spend MILLIONS per month on?

But one thing is different here. You are getting the reverse.

Imagine being able to gently slide suggestions into your subconscious mind, just like the images you don’t pay any attention to do.

You do know that scientists have proven time and time again that those images determine what you buy at the store don’t you?

Now you’re starting to picture the potential here.

What if you could tap into your own genius the same way they do, but for pennies, AND…

Yes, a BIG (AND)…

Get what you’ve always wanted?

Seeing any pictures of yourself yet?

To be continued….

(all I can say right now is, maybe the big corporations were using something you didn’t know about)


New Scientist reports that a new Northwestern University study has demonstrated that the decision-making areas of the brain can actually be affected by images that we don’t even consciously remember seeing.
Read the full article here and post a comment.  Click here.

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Watch this video from the tv show Inside Edition on Subliminal Messages.

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Read a very important article in the field of subliminal research.


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A great article on the social implications of obesity. It may make you think a bit.

Click here for subliminal weight loss cds.

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Click on this link if you want to know how you will be persuaded with subliminal messages in your future. Some people are a fit freaked out about its potential. Tell me what you think about it. Is it ethical or not?


Categories : Subliminal Cd
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