What does subliminal mean?
By · CommentsFor all of you who asked for a formal definition of Subliminal.
adjective Psychology .existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.
—Related forms
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.
Subliminal quote
By · CommentsSubliminal messages can affect the brain.
By · CommentsNew Scientist reports that a new Northwestern University study has demonstrated that the decision-making areas of the brain can actually be affected by images that we don’t even consciously remember seeing.
Read the full article here and post a comment. Click here.
Is Mcdonalds using subliminal messages?
By · CommentsWatch this video from the tv show Inside Edition on Subliminal Messages.
Do subliminal messages leave their mark on the brain.
By · CommentsRead a very important article in the field of subliminal research.
Is Obesity Socially Contagious?
By · CommentsA great article on the social implications of obesity. It may make you think a bit.
Click here for subliminal weight loss cds.
Subliminal Messages only you can hear!
By · CommentsClick on this link if you want to know how you will be persuaded with subliminal messages in your future. Some people are a fit freaked out about its potential. Tell me what you think about it. Is it ethical or not?